Toronto Video Production Company



Content is king.

No matter what your company does, you must have a video marketing strategy for the biggest video platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. Our team will create short, impactful video content designed specifically for social media, with square formatting and captions, that will capture your demographic's attention and create strong engagement.

Why We're Here

These days, branded video content has ascended to become one of the most integral parts of video marketing best practices and is used by marketers throughout the world.


The internet traffic that marketers want to tap into flows through the world’s largest social media and video platforms. In order to reach consumers, companies from virtually all industries are shifting away from traditional video advertising to focus on branded video content.


The Minifridge Media team creates impactful branded video content. Our videos are designed with social media in mind, with square formatting and captions, to help capture your demographic's attention and create strong engagement.


No matter what your company does, branded video content will help you reach your target audience more easily, generate engagement, and let your brand voice be heard.



Companies are flocking to branded videos because they are extremely versatile marketing collateral that are suitable for websites as well as video and social media platforms.

At Minifridge Media, we make branded videos that captivate, engage and inspire. Here are some of the most popular formats.


:06, :15 & :30S

Promotional video content conveys messages with power and impact. The medium of promotional videos has been shown to be far more effective than text or images at helping viewers retain information.


Harness the power of storytelling to make sure your message lands with your target audiences.


The listicle format has become a mainstay for branded video content publishers everywhere because they appeal to viewers on many levels.


Within the first few seconds of listicle video content, audiences are put at ease because the format helps them understand what to expect and makes the brand message easier to digest and retain.


This type of video content is effective because it plays to our brain’s natural desire for organization, which fits information overload and promotes information retention.



Creating a narrative about your product or service is one of the most powerful ways brands can create a connection with audiences. If your company is set to release a new product or new service offerings, behind-the-scenes video content is a great way to kick off your marketing campaign.

By showcasing the talent and effort that your team puts in, you can add a human connection that will help audiences develop a greater appreciation for your brand.


Testimonials are a tried-and-true branded video content format that remains highly relevant with today’s internet users. They offer a great way for prospective customers to build a relationship with your brand, because they are far more likely to trust the experiences of others than boilerplate marketing copy.



Vlogs (short for “video blog”) are the new promotional standard for celebrities and brands alike. Because they are personality driven, they add a personal touch to content that no other format offers.


A vlog series offers outstanding product placement opportunities. Because they facilitate dialogue between your brand and your target audience, they will also help take the relationships you have with your customers to new heights.


Used throughout the corporate sector, tutorial videos are often used to help with employee onboarding and training. However, tutorials are also a great way to promote products.


If your company offers niche products, tutorial videos offer a format that can explain them in detail while stimulating engagement. If, for example, your tutorial can help consumers overcome common problems and improve the user experience, they will help promote brand loyalty with your existing customers and capture the attention of the potential customers you have been trying to convert.


Even though tutorial videos are a one-way form of communication, they can communicate facts, ideas and procedures to people with greater efficiency than many conversations.


Frequently asked questions

"As a large international publishing company it is important for us to generate informative, engaging and polished video material, and Minifridge Media has done a great job helping us achieve this."


John MacKenzie
Vice President of Sales
KMI Publishing & Events

Ready to get started?


Not in the market for a branded content? Check out our other offerings on the links below.